I've been a part of the Bennington Farmers' Market for over ten years. This summer, I made the hard decision not to return as a full time vendor. There were a variety of variables at work, including that we want to be able to visit family that we haven't seen in awhile, and I'm working on a new venture! Now that we're in a new house, I don't want for my home kitchen to become my office. I don't want to find a place for my flour bin, or my baking rack. I don't want to scowl at my family when they come in to make lunch while I'm in the middle of prepping scones or croissants. After all the time we spent over the past year having the house be our universe, I'm ready for some boundaries again.
But, back to the market. I'm currently a member of the board (and the president, at that!), and so I'm still involved in its operation. I want to do whatever I can to help it succeed. The beginning of the outdoor season has seen it off to a super start---a new location, and lots of new vendors, have made it a popular destination for Saturday shoppers. Here's a sweet map I made of our current vendors. I love doing the line work and planning out what best symbolized each business. It was even more fun coloring it in when I was finished!
