Despite the many reasons I don't like October, there's one big reason I do. Inktober. In the world of Instagram, this means using ink in any form to draw something and post it daily. It's a fun way to connect with artists all over the world who are drawing the same things from lists of prompts and are using ink. I was excited to participate in it again this year (I skipped last year, but had done the previous few years), but I've enjoyed collage so much that I didn't really want to ditch it for ink. So, I found a compromise. The account They Draw and Cook put up an inspiring, food themed list, and I decided that I would follow it in my own way. My few rules have been to post every day and do the words in ink. It's worked for me, and has been a fun way to create a new little accordion book. You can follow along here until the end of October!
Also, my friends Maria and Jon did a little video of us chatting at Saturday's farmers' market. Seeing them always brightens my morning, and I so appreciate their friendship and support!