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A Potpourri

The last few weeks have been a mixed bag of collage, plants, and baking. During the winter, I have a farmers' market every other week, so I change from working on art stuff at the beginning of the week to baking by the end. Usually this works well for me---it gives my days a nice sort of structure and purpose. But some weeks, I'm a little disorganized and I feel like I'm all over the place. I've also had the itch to plant things and play with my plants. Daylight is getting more plentiful and my indoor plants are growing enough that I needed to do some repotting over the last couple of weeks. I'm also planning on getting some houseplant seeds going from this very cool company. I'm finding little surprises outside, like a small cluster of crocuses blooming next to the house, and some very lush moss. It's a good time of year.

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